Train Goes Head-to-Head With Tank, Easily Wins
Braden Bjella
Tanks are built to withstand a lot. “A lot,” however, doesn’t include trains.
Before we get started, I know what you’re thinking: “Uh, actually, that’s not a tank, that’s an M109 Paladin Howitzer.” First, fuck you. Second, it’s close enough to a tank that I’m just going to call it a tank for the rest of this text, and if you really have a problem with that, you can simply go outside.
With that out of the way, let’s talk about what happened here. In short, no one knows. Someone parked a tank on some train tracks, and despite the train’s honking, they didn’t move it out of the way. As a result, the $1.5 million vehicle was destroyed. Taxpayer money well spent!